Pool service riverside

10 Pool maintenance tips to keep your pool sparkling blue this summer

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As summer comes into full swing and after weeks of staying at home due to COVID-19, you are ready to get into your pool and start enjoying time outside with proper pool practices. To keep your pool sparkling blue and ready to enjoy, here are 10 pool maintenance tips to use.

Keep Skimming and Scrubbing

To avoid having your pool get dirty and your filters clogged, you need to make skimming off the leaves and debris a regular way of life. In fact, the best thing you can do is skim your pool on a daily basis. You should also consider buying a robot vacuum to clean the bottom of your pool.

Additionally, regularly scrub the sides of the pool to avoid algae build-up. This type of scrubbing should be completed at least once every other week. A pool service in Riverside can help you to order the right equipment to tackle your skimming and scrubbing. They can also give you tips to keep your pool clean or even do it for you.

Clean Out Your Filter Basket

At least once a week, take apart your filter basket and clean out any debris. Doing so will help your filter to work effectively and keep your pool clean and sparkling. Also, allow your filter to run at least 6 hours a day to get the most benefit. However, avoid turning your filter off and on too often, as that could negatively impact the filter’s mechanics.

Keep Your Chemicals Consistent

Using a pool service in Riverside can help you to keep your pool chemical levels consistent. Ideally, your pool water should be tested once a week to make sure all your chemicals are at the right level.

Be Open to Shocking Your Pool

If your pool is starting to get cloudy, do not be afraid to use shock to control bacteria levels. Shocking provides increased chlorine levels for a short period of time to kill bacteria and should be done at least twice a summer season.

Maintain Your Water Levels

The truth is that your pool water level can be impacted by evaporation, so keep an eye on your pool’s water level. Heavy rains can also impact your water levels. If the water gets too low, simply use a garden hose to add the right amount of water. The level should be about halfway up to the opening of your skimmer.

Get the Oils Out

When you and your guests swim in the pool, they are leaving oils from their skin, lotions, and sunscreen behind. Throw a tennis ball into the water at the end of everyone swimming and it will absorb the oils left behind.

Keep the Pool Deck Clean

Your pool can be clean but if your pool deck is dirty, then it could end up bringing extra dirt into your swimming pool. Regularly power washing can help to get rid of any dirt, rust, or weather stains on your deck. Sweep the deck before you start power washing to get rid of anything that is already loose.

Schedule Yearly Service Appointments

The truth is that your pool will need maintenance outside of what you can do, including examining any machinery and making sure the liner is not cracking. Having a pool service in Riverside means you can have a yearly appointment to have your pool completely checked and any potential issues addressed early before they cause real damage.


Using a pool service in Riverside, you can also have an expert come and winterize your pool properly. Doing so will help you to make sure your pool is ready for the winter and minimize any potential damage from the lower temperatures.

Do Not Try to DIY Pool Repairs

If you have concerns about your pool, do not try to DIY it. Instead, call for pool service in Riverside, allowing professionals to address any issues or make any repairs.

Throughout this summer season, using these tips you can have a beautiful pool to enjoy. If you are not sure about your pool’s maintenance or have any questions, contact our team today to schedule an appointment.

Mirage Pool Services specializes in pool maintenance, equipment repairs and replacement, chlorine washes, draining pools and pool startups in the Moreno Valley and Riverside, California areas.