pool cleaning service riverside ca

How can a chemical imbalance affect the life of your pool?

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Are you looking forward to having your pool open and using it during the hot days of summer? For those using a pool cleaning service in Riverside, CA, you have likely already scheduled your pool’s opening and started discussing the maintenance routine to keep your pool in top condition.

Besides making sure that your pool is cleaned regularly, it is essential that you regularly test the chemicals to make sure they remain at the right ratios. Why is this step so critical for maintaining your pool? Let’s find out!

Out of Balance Chemicals Can Degrade Your Liner

Chemicals have their uses, but when they build up too high, then that can end up eroding or weakening your liner. A weak pool line is at increased risk of tearing or leaking, which can end up requiring a more expensive fix to address the damage.

The life of your pool is often wrapped up in how well your liner is able to stand up to the stress of your daily use. When you make sure the chemicals are at the right ratios, then you can decrease the amount of potential damage that could happen, thus decreasing the life of your pool liner.

Buildup Increases on Your Pool Walls and Water

One of the realities of imbalanced chemicals is that the water in your pool can become cloudy. That cloudy water can cause scaling on your pool equipment and potentially damage the plumbing. Additionally, various algae and other bacteria can grow on both your pool walls and within the water. Then you end up with ecosystems that overtake your pool. Chlorine is key to managing both of these issues, but if it is out of balance, then it will increase the damage to your pool.

Plus, if the bacteria and algae get out of control, you might have to super-chlorination for your pool, known as a chemical shock. It takes time for the chlorine to balance out after using this method, so you will have to stay out of your pool for several days. The point is by keeping your chemicals balanced, you can avoid having to take this step.

How To Maintain the Balance

First, you want to keep your pool as clean as possible. Showering before you swim can be a positive contribution to the pool’s chemical balance. Additionally, using a pool cleaning service in Riverside, CA, can make sure to address algae or other potential issues before they damage your pool or put your chemical balance too far out of whack.

Secondly, there is the benefit that your eyes and skin are less likely to be irritated if your chemicals are balanced properly. Third, acidic pool water can damage the metal components of your pool, such as the ladder.

With a regular pool cleaning service in Riverside, CA, you can have the chemicals checked regularly to make sure that they fall within the right pH range. If you are unsure how to check the chemical balance in your pool, contact our team today to schedule one of our pool cleaning service teams to assess your needs.

Mirage Pool Services specializes in pool maintenance, equipment repairs and replacement, chlorine washes, draining pools and pool startups in the Moreno Valley and Riverside, California areas.