Pool service riverside

COVID-19: Pool and Spa Care to Ensure Proper Pool Maintenance Practices for Safe Swimming

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When it comes to pool maintenance, staying on a regular schedule is key to keeping your pool or spa running at its best throughout the summer season. Now with many families under stay at home orders throughout the state of California, it is important to find physical activities that can be done at home. Swimming in the pool or enjoy the spa are two of those types of activities.

Here are a few key areas to make a part of your pool service in Riverside, CA, to ensure proper pool maintenance practices for safe swimming all summer long.

Can COVID-19 Spread in My Pool or Spa?

According to the CDC, there is no evidence that COVID-19 can be spread through pools, spas, or hot tubs. By following the proper routine of maintenance and disinfection should be enough to remove and deactivate the virus. Still, it is important to maintain social distancing and other measures when outside of the pool or spa.

With that in mind, it is critical that you follow the regular maintenance and disinfection routine to keep your pool, hot tub, or spa in good shape. What should be part of your regular maintenance routine?

Test Your Water Regularly

To make sure that your pool water’s chemicals remain balanced, you should test your pool water at least two or three times a week during the summer and approximately once a week during the winter. If you opt to test the water yourself, then you need a kit that will help you to test the pH balance, calcium hardness, total alkalinity, and the metals.

There are also a variety of chemicals that contribute to keeping your pool balanced. These include chlorine, which is the primary sanitizer. It kills bacteria and keeps your pool clean and ready for use. Other chemicals include shock treatments to keep it clean and clear, as well as algaecide to prevent the buildup of algae.

If you have recently purchased a home with a pool, it is important to have it sanitized.

Is Your Pool Pump Working?

Part of your routine should be to have your pump checked over and make sure that any filters are replaced according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The benefit of a pool pump is that it keeps your water moving and makes sure that the water does not become a breeding ground for bugs.

Skimming Your Pool

To keep all your pool equipment running smoothly, it is key that you make skimming your pool a part of your daily and weekly routine. It will keep your pool pump and filters from getting clogged with sticks, bugs, leaves, seeds, and other items that may have fallen into the pool.

Our team provides pool service in Riverside and San Bernardino County. We can answer your questions and help you to keep your pool clean and sanitized. Contact us today to discuss the routine maintenance necessary for your pool, hot tub, or spa.

Mirage Pool Services specializes in pool maintenance, equipment repairs and replacement, chlorine washes, draining pools and pool startups in the Moreno Valley and Riverside, California areas.